“Write what should not be forgotten.” — Isabel Allende
You and I meet at a mutually agreed upon schedule. You receive editorial guidance, cheerleading for your writing project, support in uncovering your unique writing voice, and most crucially, accountability (otherwise known as a gentle boot up the literary butt). We can work together from development to publication, or simply for one part of the process.
Most clients purchase sessions in packages of 4. We meet once a week on Zoom (approx. 30 minutes each time) to brainstorm, develop your writing project, uncover your unique writing voice, and if necessary, break through "writer's block." You submit up to 2,500 words (approximately 10 pages) at least 24 hours prior to each Zoom session. This enables me to provide meaningful editorial feedback and guidance when we meet.
Fee: $499+GST per package (four 30-minute Zoom sessions and up to 10,000 words submitted for my feedback)
You may purchase as many four-session packages as you desire, with or without breaks in between.
My commitment to you is to:
provide editorial guidance
be your accountability partner
be your cheerleader, and support you through the emotional process of writing your book, helping you uncover your unique writing voice.
Your commitment is to showing up and getting your book written.
Contact me for a no-obligation chat to see if we would be a good fit.